The Joseph P. Boyle Story – Part II
Read Part I here. After years of abuse by Boyle and his cronies, The Memphis
Read Part I here. After years of abuse by Boyle and his cronies, The Memphis
Born in 1891 to Patrick and Mary Boyle, Joseph P. Boyle was a rich mix
Infamous Chairman of Memphis Board of Censors Wore Many Hats By Charlie Lambert Duck Hill,
On December 30th, with court in session, word came that the State Supreme court had
Thomas Dies was known to be a person who followed the same political philosophies as
Researched and written by Bill Novarese This story is based on facts taken from newspapers
February 26, 1953 The telling and retelling of this one event has over the years
(When political power was the prize, legendary politician Edward Crump knew how to get the
The Nashville Tennessean Newspaper was quoted as saying “he ran the day to day business
Just like every other city employee of the day, Fire, Public Works, and Teachers, they
A forgotten name and family who made a real difference in our community, William B
Written by Joe Lowry with research and editorial assistance by Trish Gully. Captain Borner spent
By Joe Lowry Edited by Trish Gully The Freedom Train of November 1947 was another
July 20, 1918 would be a day in the life of Edward Leech that he
Carrol B Seabrook was born August 24, 1888 and died at 95 on March 1984.